I have a bad "do it yourself" moment to share folks.
Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I thought it would be cool to create one of my own vitamin pre-poo solutions. I had read that it was beneficial if I mixed water soluble pre-natal pills with olive oil, vitamin e, and water. Sigh, (shaking my head) IT WAS THE WORST SMELLING STUFF EVER. But I figured, it would be beneficial for my scalp. I had read that some people had actually done this, well not like I did it, but made vitamin solutions to place on their scalp.
Anyway, I put the stinky stuff on my scalp with a relaxer brush while trying to hold my breath. I left it on for about two minutes and then washed it out. UGGGGH, I will never do it again. No matter how much I scrubbed my scalp with my natural orange peel shampoo, I could not get rid of the vitamin smell. It was just so horrid. I even tried my hydrating with my smell good conditioner and even that didn't work. I finally got rid of the smell today after using Paul Mitchell Mint Shampoo, Fantastic Sam Fantastic Hydrating Conditioner, and Lusti Hair Gel.
I just remembered walking around all day wondering, " Ugh, can someone else smell this?" So, that is my lesson for you as well as myself today. Some pills are for swallowing. I will continue to use vitamin E gel caplets twice a week in my hair though.
My vitamin plan will consist of taking the prenatal vitamins and biotin (you don't have to be pregnant to take them and it can actually improve you over all health) I will take prenatal twice a week and biotin once a week. This was suggested by my pharmacist if I wanted to improve my hair growth. Also, I have a sensitive system which my pharmacist is well aware of and can't take a lot of things like some folks, so that is why I am taking these vitamins in this prescribed interval. I will let you know if there has been an increase in hair growth at the end of February.
(Note: Please check with your pharmacist before doing anything. I have an awesome pharmacist who helps me with everything that I do and use, so what I am doing has already been approved. Everyone's body is different and what may work for some, may not work for others.)
Also, I would like to give a shout out to my best friend and avid reader Katie Keene. She impressed me today with her TWA (TWF) natural knowledge. Love you and thank you for your support.
Today's Hair Regime
Olive oil
Biotin supplement
Nioxin Scalp Treatment
Peace of Christ