So, I am starting a blog about my natural hair journey. I have tried having natural hair in the past but let social stigma and not having confidence in myself get in the way. I know that many blogs have popped up about their natural hair journey, so I am a little late on the fore front. But I have noticed that many only talk about what products work, what they do to keep their hair intact, and what not..but they never talk about the frustration that comes with deciding to do the big chop, waiting for the hair to grow out, enduring the "I look like a boy" look.
As a social worker and a future therapist, I always enjoyed the thoughts of the human mind. I always wondered what people thought about going through such a transition. I mean, the Big Chop (or cutting off all relaxed hair to allow the natural hair to grow) When I first went through it, I hated it. I didn't know what to do with my hair. It was always dry. I didn't think I was pretty. It felt "NAPPY". I hated it...at first. But then, I got sick and I allowed it to grow. Well, I had no choice because I was too sick to do it.
Well, I loved it. I dyed it. I twisted it. Learned how to work with it. It became so nice, soft, and beautiful. I stayed with the treatments, the "wash and go" styles, and my trims. It was GREAT. I remember picking out my fro, adding twist to define my locks, and even doing the double stranded twist. And then one day, I checked out afro, saw a bottle of perm, and I went nuts. THE WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE. I remember my mom looking horrified when she saw the perm. She said, "Oh baby, all that work." And I have regretted it since.
And so, I'm starting all over. I am going to go natural and chronicle my mental and emotional experience for all the world to see and here. Please comment, offer support, tips, advice, comments, concerns..ANYTHING. Well, the JOURNEY BEGINS!