Sunday, January 15, 2012
OMG (Oh My Growth),
I am able to twist it! I am able to twist it and I am so excited. In the past I use to use wax, but Im not longer doing that. That stuff is sticky and I don't want it to lock.
Note: Bees wax is used to lock in or keep in twist, locs, sister locs, and dreads.
Today, I feel sleepy and tired. Today, I am impatient. I think..."Wow, hurry up and grow!" Give me a little bit of hair so I won't look like a man with boobs." But then I went to the bathroom, faced the mirror, and said, I am beautiful. I had to say it a couple of times because I didn't believe it. I wish I could say that I made this dramatic change, but then I wouldn't be lost, writing this blog, and wanting to do better and be a better person.
Also, I have used my one month of growth (because I believe my hair growth will show my inner growth) to change some thoughts about myself. I have been called "mean". But, my meanness has been misconstrued and is actually STRENGTH. I have strength enough not to allow someone to walk all over me, to say how I feel, to stand up for what I believe in, to not keep quiet , to not be hurt. My strength also allows me to let go, to love, to be happy, to be sad when I want to, to hurt when I need to, and to just feel. As I twist my hair, I channel this strength and energy into twisting.
I'm excited about something else. I HAVE AN INTERVIEW the 23rd of this month. I am going to go in natural, professional, and ready to make a change. I am also turning in my resume to another position. I am so excited to have a good mother, father, nephew, and friend(s) to support me. But the blunt of the support comes from my beautiful mother and father. They who give me hugs, who call me "Mira Feet", Mira Tay, and "Boody Boo (Yes, I have some crazy nick names). They who allow me to de-stress and listen to my problems. They are my best friends.
Well, I am going to twist...
Hair regimen for today...
Silk scarf
Protective Style (Twist)
Note: A protective style is a style that keeps natural fragile hair from breaking. It also stimulates the scalp, promotes natural hair growth, and makes me look pretty darn cute.
Happy Finding....