Saturday, January 28, 2012

Say What! (Part 2)

I can see you all now....

A PART TWO ALREADY? Yes, indeed readers, there is a part two. I have some pretty awesome and quick results from the monastat nitrate 2% solution mix and I wanted to show them off. As you read in my first "Say What" blog, I started a biotin and monastat nitrate 2% regimen only a few days ago, and I must say I have gotten some pretty interesting results. The first picture (below) was taken about a week ago. If you notice, my hair line is a little off (don't laugh), patchy, and my sides are really thin. You can even see where my hair line goes back a bit. I was using the Dr. Miracles Nape and Hot Grow to stimulate my scalp but decided to cut that back due to the petroleum (grease) that it contained. Although I found it helped some, it left my scalp really greasy and I didn't like the heavy feeling it gave me.  
Yes, my hair line is just looking rough :P

After doing some web research, I happened upon the monastat nitrate 2% regimen. As I wrote in my last blog, when I first tried it, I felt a bit of  tingling and experienced a minor headache, but haven't experienced these side effects since. Actually, the tingling that I have felt makes me want to scratch my scalp in a good way. When my scalp itches, for me it means that my hair is growing...and it has been itching in different spots. No, its not irritated and I am not having an allergic reaction...but I did notice thickness and growth in only a couple of days. You can see it in my picture taken today. I smoothed my hair down so you can see how much thicker my hair line and hair has become since using this product.

Now, I didn't do anything to my hair earlier because I had a " Don't touch, just leave it alone day." But I thought I would share my joy. I use this solution every other day as suggested and decided to only take the biotin for now. The prenatal vitamins I have put aside for now.  Anyway, here is what my hair looks like now.

                   Look at my nice full hair line and sides in a matter of days !

I'm actually really impressed with the results and will continue to use this method every other day diluted in leave in conditioner and olive oil. I spent the morning looking at how quickly my baby hairs around my hair line are growing in and re-framing my face. I am really enjoying it. When my hair isn't gelled down, I have a nice TWA or (TWF as my best pal calls it).

My MN Solution (Monostat Nitrate for short)

Two teas spoons of monostat nitrate 2%
1.8 FL OZ bottle (Little bottle you get from your relaxer kit)
4 table spoons of olive oil
4 table spoons of motions leave in conditioner

Note: Remember to shake it up each time before use. Oil and water SHAKE IT GOOD

I made a small solution because I didn't want to buy a lot of stuff and it not work. But now that I know it works, I am going to concoct a larger solution. I will note the recipe for this in the future. Also, I have increase my water intake and am exercising to help increase my blood flow, but this has made a HUGE difference.

Give me your thoughts on this. Tell me what you think?

Peace of Christ