I started to increase my intake of water. Hmm, yummy..tasteless, sugarless, water. I want to increase my intake of water not only to help myself but improve my over all well being. I read in several natural hair care articles that increase of water improves pH balance and overall elasticity of the hair. Everyone else know that hydration of the body improves organ function, and blah blah blah blah blah...
Also, I started meditation more. I do this by taking my rosary (no I am not Catholic...other faiths have rosaries too) and meditating on reading the Bible, prayer, and how such scriptures can be applied to my life. I don't over do it. I give it about five minutes a day or every other day. I am not perfect and am going to sit here and say that I do this all the time, but when I do do it, it helps me. It helps me calm down, stay in focus, feel a little better about myself, and helps me feel light. Basically, I feel less stressed...which is the first rule of maintaining hair growth. Stress leads to breakage. I'm tired of losing my hair...yes, losing it because of stress.
Another thing is, I am being more mindful of what I say and how I treat others. I think I treat others well, but don't think I am more mindful of it. I want to watch what I say more, stop and think about how I say things, mediate and absorb conversations a bit better, and learn not to take things to heart.
Yes, all this started today...with a glass of water.
Well, have a blessed and Happy Martin Luther King Day. Be mindful....
Today's regime
Mane and Tail Conditioner
Lusti's Organic Hair Gel
Water (2 glasses)