Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Product Switch Up....


I know for a fact that I AM NOT suppose to use any type of grease because it clogs of the hair and does not promote natural healthy hair growth. But, and there is a but, I have been using the Dr Miracle Temple and Nape Gro Balm and the Hot Gro Hair and Scalp Treatment and it has improved my hair by leaps and bounds. Now, I know there are a lot  of people out there who don't like this product because I took the time to actually research it and also its considered a petroleum/ grease based product. I have read several comments about the smell, how it leaves your hair brittle, that it doesn't even help you hair grow and so on and so forth. But the cool thing that I have learned about natural hair is...that everyone's hair is different and likes different things.

For some strange reason, my hair likes it. I noticed that my hair was thin near my temple and the back and I wasn't able to twist it. This was last week. I have been using the products once a day before bed and tonight I was able to twist my entire head. I was astonished. I read that some people felt that it was only good for a tingle or it made your hair shed, but I noticed a teeny tiny amount of shedding last week, but not any more. Actually, its growing rather fast. I just had a trim and shape up, and already I have new growth all over.

Yes, this product is oily to the point where I had to use a clarifying shampoo to cleanse my scalp and a light conditioner just 45 minutes before writing this post, but I figure maybe this is a product that I will use maybe  twice a week instead of every day. I think my dry hair likes the product because of the stimulation or that it's trapping in the moisture. But since I am the type who likes to make sure there aren't any flukes or coincidences, I am going to switch up my regimen.  My regimen will include more water, olive oil, and vitamin E gel caplets (which my cousin swears by...her hair is LONG). Next week, I will do my first of many Aphogee treatments since I am able to twist my hair. I will let you know if there is any improvement.

My Hair Regimen

Isoplus Natural Remedy Orange Cleanse Shampoo
Fantastic Sam's Fantastic Moisturizing Condioner (Smells so yummy)
Vitamin E Gel Caps (cut at least three open and rub oil in my hair)
Olive oil (tea spoon)