Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog break

Yes, my dog ShoeLace McGregor (my editor) is over worked.

Hello readers,

I'm going to have to take a bit of a blog break this week to gear up for the many things I have in store. First, I am working on the Women of Inspiration profiles, then there is school work galore, and a litany of other things that I will have complete. Also, I need to get my camera fixed. I haven't been able to upload pics due some technical issues with mobile share. They have been working on the situation, but I must is taxing. Anyway, I value all my readers and just wanted to fill you in if you don't see any blogs posted for a week or two.

March will make me 3 months natural. I got my BIG CHOP in December 2011, and just had a shape up because my back and  sides were growing much faster than my front. It was the best decision ever made ....even though I hated seeing all that hair in my hand. My hair has already shot out. Its just too bad I don't have a camera to show you these things (sarcasm:-))

Don't worry, it will be about a week or two. I know you all understand that life takes precedence.

Love and Peace

The Lost Girl