I had the most interesting conversation with a fellow co-worker about hair. He made the assumption that, "All black women wear wigs" along with some interesting things. After laughing and bantering back and forth, I began to think about, "Why do we, as black women, have such an obsession with our hair?" "Why do we focus on things such as hair growth, what products we prefer to use on a daily basis, if we wear a weave, hair pieces, or a wigs, and so on and so forth?" And most importantly, "Do other cultures worry about their hair as much as we do? Do they spend so much as we do on hair?
The answer to my first question was simple, but I let my mother explain it to me in her awesome motherly way. Basically, its in our system and a part of our culture. She laid back on the couch, took a deep sigh and took me back to thick grease and hot combs used to make our hair straight, how her sister would help her wash her hair, scratch, and grease her scalp until it shined. We discussed and found hieroglyphs etched in stone of the Egyptian Queen Tiye having her braided by a slave as well being decked out in a thick ceremonial wig. When discussing if the church played a part in how we wore our hair, she went into avid detail as to how the black church cautioned women about cutting their hair because it was their "crown" or "their glory"...which I still hear to this very day.
Go head Queen Tiye
Brittany Spears wore wigs and extensions after shaving her hair.
Underneath that lace wig is a naturalista. Who knew?
And when it comes to these products, who sales them? The celebrities! When I watch Beyonce promote a product, I do find myself thinking."Wow, I would love my hair to look that way" knowing full well that 1) is isn't all of her hair and 2) that that one product alone (but an army of professionals) made her hair to look that way.
Well, I know that was a lot of thinking for a five minute conversation, but I feel that every opportunity is a learning opportunity. I learned that societal constructs have plenty to say about how we view ourselves and that there are probably more women out there feeling the pressures such as myself. With each day, the feeling of wanting to grab the jar of relaxer has dissipated because I am tuning out everything else and tuning into myself.
Hair Regime
Lusti's Organic Shampoo
Motion's Leave in Conditioner