Monday, February 27, 2012

Turning 30

I turned 30 today. Yes, on February 27th I popped into this zany world with every intent to make my mark.  In the process, I have learned some important things after several trials and errors, love and heart break, and ups and downs. Here goes my long list of  30 adages learned during my twenties that I feel are important to remember on this natural journey and for my next ten years.

30. You can only be you once, so be you and be you without shame.
29. Be careful what you say where you don't have to take it back or regret it in the end.
28. Natural is better than unnatural any day.
27. Don't pray for God to send you a good man. Pray that when he sends you one, you are ready.
26. Everyone has to have a foundation, without one you can not stand. You fall apart.
27. No one can treat you any kind of way...without your consent.
26. No one can make you feel any kind of way...without your consent.
25. You can't change anyone.
24. Be careful around people who throw the word "love" around a lot. That means they don't take the word seriously.
23. If they don't add to you or make you better...RUN
22. If you don't add to or make someone better...step back and improve yourself.
21. Exes are exes for a reason...hence why you exited from the ex in the first place.
20. Its okay to make a mistake, but repeating it over and over again is insanity.
19. Love yourself more than anything. When you love yourself first, anything is possible.
18. Let your light shine, don't hide it.
17. You are a diamond...but if you break it into pieces and give it to loses its worth.
16. You don't lose everything if you break an engagement. You lose it when you end a marriage.
15. Best friends are like my waist line after Thanksgiving dinner...always around.
14. People are going to talk about you...but remember..its just talk.
13. Its okay to cry, to be human, to be angry, and to be happy...That's why God made emotions.
12. Don't leads to discontent.
11. Lying to yourself is lying to your spirit.
10. Men can't read minds, so tell them how you are feeling.
9. Women CAN read minds....Period.
8. There is no such thing as a 50% 50% relationship, but there is a such things as a caring, supportive, and loving one.
7. It takes 5 minutes to show someone that you care...1 second for them to walk out the door when you don't.
6. If they don't want what you want or want to see you do better....its time to rethink who you are with.
5. Love God as much as He loves you.
4. Take a moment each day to stop and smell the roses.
3. Call your parents and visit them for Sunday dinner.
2. It takes to much precious time to hate someone than to just forgive them and let go.
1. You are beautiful and God's own. Remember that you were made with purpose.
0. Working is the debt that must be paid for you to have life and leave on this Earth.