Saturday, February 11, 2012



As a natural newby, one of my biggest fears is breakage. Our hair, though beautiful, is fragile in it's natural state. In order to maintain growth and beauty, it has to maintained, detangled , moisturized, and handled with care. Since the ground hog decided to bless (sarcasm) us with six more weeks of winter, my hair has been fighting to maintain its softness and moisture. Here are some of the tips I have been using to maintain my growth and reduce breakage.

1 Don't use a towel, use an old cotton t-shirt: 
Towels made to soak up water, so why would you want all the water soaked out of your hair? You want to maintain your moisture right? Well, cotton t-shirts are made of micro fibers that allows your skin to breath. I can absorb most of the water, but not all. Also, it's not rough on your hair like some towels..especially if you are wrapping your hair up just getting out of the shower.

2. Comb your hair only when wet and with a wide tooth comb.
When your hair is dry, it is at it's most vulnerable state. If you comb your hair dry it does not have any elasticity and can damage your hair follicle. That is why many naturals tell you to wet your hair before combing to add moisture. Now, you can uses a small comb when you are doing certain styles, but it is always best to go through your natural hair with a wide tooth comb first. This can take out the manager tangles.

3. Invest in a detangler product.
Now, my TWA is getting thick enough where I have to spray a bit of detangler to sort through it. I went to the dollar tree and bough Lusti's Organic Detangler for a buck. Their products work well on my hair. Anyway, using it helps decrease breakage and the amount of work you put in styling your hair.

4. Protein solutions.
I use the Aphogee protein solution every two months. Although it smells bad, my hair  had less shedding and breakage and grew up and out like  a weed when I was natural two years ago. The protein solution strengthens the hair to allow healthy growth.

5. Oils, Oils, and Oils
There are many natural oils that you can use on your hair to give it moisture and shine. NO GREASE! It clogs the pours. Its best to use items like jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, and things like that. These oils can me found at your local supermarket or even your health store.

Its always good to use a silk scarf when tying your hair up at night. Silk does not cause friction when you are tossing and turning at night. Its always good to even tie your hair up with two scarfs. One to protect the back  and edges and another the top and to secure the first scarf. As you know, those bad boys come off during a rough night. That is why it is best to have two sometimes. Also, a silk pillow case is really good as well if you don't want to tie up your hair.

I hope some of these tips help. If you have more for me, let me know.

Peace of Christ