Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog break

Yes, my dog ShoeLace McGregor (my editor) is over worked.

Hello readers,

I'm going to have to take a bit of a blog break this week to gear up for the many things I have in store. First, I am working on the Women of Inspiration profiles, then there is school work galore, and a litany of other things that I will have complete. Also, I need to get my camera fixed. I haven't been able to upload pics due some technical issues with mobile share. They have been working on the situation, but I must is taxing. Anyway, I value all my readers and just wanted to fill you in if you don't see any blogs posted for a week or two.

March will make me 3 months natural. I got my BIG CHOP in December 2011, and just had a shape up because my back and  sides were growing much faster than my front. It was the best decision ever made ....even though I hated seeing all that hair in my hand. My hair has already shot out. Its just too bad I don't have a camera to show you these things (sarcasm:-))

Don't worry, it will be about a week or two. I know you all understand that life takes precedence.

Love and Peace

The Lost Girl

Monday, February 27, 2012

The History of the Gele-

Creole woman wearing a Gele

Starting today, I will be covering my hair under a Gele outside of the home. I can see your faces now...a Gele-WHAT? Did you sneeze?  Yes, a Gele. No, this isn't a religious thing, its not political statement, but it is something that I have done before and want to do as part my heritage. I cover my hair when I am at home in a silk scarf not only to protect my hair, but as sign of beauty. African American women, like many other women (nuns, other religions, Muslim and Jewish women, women from India) have covered their hair not only as a sign of modesty but beauty as well. I want to start  wearing it outside of my home as an educational tool to teach others about this historical and beautiful art as well as a point of pride.

The type of African head wrap called the "Gele" is an on old cultural tradition, and is found not only in many parts of Africa, but is part of a tradition, both cultural and religions, in the New World-in the Caribbean, in Brazil, and right here in the US in Louisiana and other parts of the south (Daily Kos, 2008)

Many black women have worn or wear the Gele such as Aretha Franklin, Ericka Badou, Nina Simone, Tyra Banks, and more. Many of you who walk around with a scarf on your head just to buy some milk or  keeping it wrapped up because don't feel like taking your hair down...are in fact...wearing a basic form of Gele.
Aretha Franke sporting her Gele

    The Gele comes from the Yoruba in Nigera. Sos-oke, Brocade, Hayes Original, and Damask are some of the material used when making a Gele. It is synonymous with the Japanese Kimono and the French Fan. It has a language of its own and tells a lot about the wearer. It is believed that if the right end of the Gele sticks out, the wearer is married. If it sticks out left, the wearer is single.
     Women who wear the "Gele" seek out professional tie experts. One Gele expert is Segun Olalaye, also known as Segun Gele, who is infamous for his beautiful styles. He was born in Nigeria but brought the art of the Gele to the United states.

Segun Gele and his masterpieces. 

Although I won't be wearing my as big, I will be wearing mine proudly. Here is how I usually tie my Gele.

Its backwards, I know..sorry.

This is one of my favorite forms of Gele.

The Gele is stylish

Also, the Gale became a symbol of servitude during the Dutch colonization of South Africa. African maids servants were distinguished by their Gele and their eccentric and bright patterns. There was actually an exhibit at the J.B Speed Art Museum relating the history of different African clothes. So, when picking a cloth for your gele, make sure to understand the history behind it. As mentioned earlier, the Gele has it's own meaning.
The Secret Laughter of Women-Nia Long and Colin Firth

A movie exhibiting the Gele that many don't know about is "The Secret Laughter of Women" starring Firth and Long. The Gele and its importance is showcased all through out the film. With married women, the BIGGER, the BETTER. It was such a wonderful movie to watch, not only because of the great story line ( its on youtube) but because of all the beautiful Geles and clothing.

Hope you enjoyed this. Give me your thoughts :-)

Peace of Christ

Turning 30

I turned 30 today. Yes, on February 27th I popped into this zany world with every intent to make my mark.  In the process, I have learned some important things after several trials and errors, love and heart break, and ups and downs. Here goes my long list of  30 adages learned during my twenties that I feel are important to remember on this natural journey and for my next ten years.

30. You can only be you once, so be you and be you without shame.
29. Be careful what you say where you don't have to take it back or regret it in the end.
28. Natural is better than unnatural any day.
27. Don't pray for God to send you a good man. Pray that when he sends you one, you are ready.
26. Everyone has to have a foundation, without one you can not stand. You fall apart.
27. No one can treat you any kind of way...without your consent.
26. No one can make you feel any kind of way...without your consent.
25. You can't change anyone.
24. Be careful around people who throw the word "love" around a lot. That means they don't take the word seriously.
23. If they don't add to you or make you better...RUN
22. If you don't add to or make someone better...step back and improve yourself.
21. Exes are exes for a reason...hence why you exited from the ex in the first place.
20. Its okay to make a mistake, but repeating it over and over again is insanity.
19. Love yourself more than anything. When you love yourself first, anything is possible.
18. Let your light shine, don't hide it.
17. You are a diamond...but if you break it into pieces and give it to loses its worth.
16. You don't lose everything if you break an engagement. You lose it when you end a marriage.
15. Best friends are like my waist line after Thanksgiving dinner...always around.
14. People are going to talk about you...but remember..its just talk.
13. Its okay to cry, to be human, to be angry, and to be happy...That's why God made emotions.
12. Don't leads to discontent.
11. Lying to yourself is lying to your spirit.
10. Men can't read minds, so tell them how you are feeling.
9. Women CAN read minds....Period.
8. There is no such thing as a 50% 50% relationship, but there is a such things as a caring, supportive, and loving one.
7. It takes 5 minutes to show someone that you care...1 second for them to walk out the door when you don't.
6. If they don't want what you want or want to see you do better....its time to rethink who you are with.
5. Love God as much as He loves you.
4. Take a moment each day to stop and smell the roses.
3. Call your parents and visit them for Sunday dinner.
2. It takes to much precious time to hate someone than to just forgive them and let go.
1. You are beautiful and God's own. Remember that you were made with purpose.
0. Working is the debt that must be paid for you to have life and leave on this Earth.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Product Review: Lusti Organics

Now, I know  with the economy being the way it is that everyone is  watching  where their dollar goes these days. Well, I have something that will cost only a dollar and is really good for your hair. Many, other than myself, have tried it and have raved about this product. Well, the product is Lusti Organics and you can get it at THE DOLLAR TREE for only a buck (plus tax).

I have just about the entire range of Lust Products which include

Detangling Spray
Hair Gel
Hair Mayonnaise
Hair Oil Spray
Hair Dress
Holding Spray
Cocoa Butter

This cost me around $9. 35. Which is cheap compared to what I usually spend on hair products. I enjoy the product because its light on my hair and the gel defines my curls a heck of a lot better than most gels. Also, my hair never feels dry.

Also, I haven't had any issues with itchy scalp or dandruff when using this product. I have noticed that I don't have an issue with product build up  and that  my hair remains soft and manageable after a wash and go.  

So, if you are looking for a cheap, but totally awesome product, try this one. You can get it at any Dollar Tree. 

Hope this is helpful

Peace of Christ:-)

Friday, February 24, 2012


Hair shears and relaxed hair

I am frustrated with my hair . Its just not growing. GRRRRR! It almost feels like it is in some state of dormancy. My TWA is making me lose my patience. I can't do seem to do anything with it. I even quit twisting it to reduce breakage.

So, I decided to get some help. I went the Natural Alternatives Salon to get a consultation concerning my hair. It was the best move ever. The staff were awesome and  the stylist taught me valuable information concerning what to use and what not to use for my hair. One thing that I learned was not to get into the hair steamer hype. I learned that steamers stretch and straighten the hair later thinning it out in the long run. I also learned that it is best to check who you buy your Jamaican black castor oil from since many makers use die instead of the actual healthy ingredients.

I also learned about my hair. I have four different grades of hair and that although I had an astonishing amount of growth, my front section near my fore head was growing slowly. I didn't know whether this was from breakage or just slow growth, but I would need a shape up. Also, I have very "fine" hair. My hair wasn't as fine two years ago, actually, it was very thick. But now that I am older, it is now fine.

I made an appointment in two weeks. I am excited. I took the opportunity to get my hair shaped up by a barber so that it can grow out evenly by the time I go for my hair appointment. Actually, the hair cut did me some good because it seemed my hair was acting zany because it needed a trim..BADLY. I tell yah, I hated that I had to cut my hair, but I love it that it is going to grow back healthier and thicker.

Well, Peace of Christ and good night readers.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why do you want to touch my hair?

Tell me why?

Several days ago, someone that I knew, in a moment of absent mindedness touched my hair. They didn't ask to touch it, actually said "Oh you know someone is going to try and touch it", and ran their fingers all  through it. Since I was in a state of shock and a moment of contemplation, I said "that I didn't mind". I figured it was a learning experience. But inside, I did mind. Why did they do it?

I felt a twinge of anger. I wanted to go back in time and tell them STOP! I wanted to tell them how they were messing up my regimen, how I had already detangled my  hair, that my hair was dry and should not be touch in fear of breakage, and on and on and on. But I just didn't. I looked in the mirror, looked at the unique beauty of my hair and realized...Dang, I want to run my hands and touch it too. And I did. And it was good.

Almost everyone has hair. Long hair, short hair, brown hair, long hair, but not everyone has "black hair". Some would call it kinky, others frizzy, and the worst adjective I can think of is..nappy. I actually had someone call my hair nappy once. It wasn't tangled. It wasn't a mess. It was actually cut in a short stylish Ivy Lee or Big Chop style. It was clean, well groomed, and to the point, but it was nappy in their eyes. But what is it about our hair that makes people fawn over it like some mysterious artifact from some unknown land?

Ivy Lee/ Big Chop

Well, our hair in it's natural state is different. It grows differently. Most cultures are follically gifted with straight thick, wavy tamed, or long curly hair, but black hair is different, Instead of growing down and long, it grows around and out. Our curls, if dry and depending on the grade of hair, has the look of a fiery halo with a mind of its own. When moisture is added to natural hair, the curls become define and supple. It looks odd to some and feels strange to other. A male friend of mind likened my hair once to lamb's wool. He had never been near a lamb or sheared one for that matter, but that's what he said it was like.

More black women are choosing natural!

Our hair is a cultural enigma for others. We are the primary culture who finds it the norm to chemically alter our hair at normal intervals. Who hasn't been told by their beautician that they had to get a touch up (relaxer) in two to four weeks? We use a chemical that actually can burn and create sores on our scalp (protectant oil or grease used with it) in order to straighten our hair. Somewhere, we have been lead to believe that we have to assimilate in order to be deemed beautiful by societal standards. That the only way to have long hair is to have relaxers. We have lost some of our ancestors techniques on what they used to make their hair grow. We, somewhere as a people...became lost.

Most of my friends are used to seeing  my  hair trimmed in a short pixie cut. They had a hard time seeing me as natural. But when I became natural, everyone wanted to touch it. Seriously, I never wanted to touch it before..why now? I was told because seeing an African American female with their natural hair is just so unusual. Although I am seeing a sudden shift of women going natural, women with relaxers are still prevalent. 

So, here is a note to the people who want to "touch someone's natural hair"...

It is not a show piece to be eyed, patted, and gawked at. It is hair. The only thing about our hair is that touching it but not knowing how to do so properly can damage  natural hair. Natural hair in its dry fragile state is susceptible to breakage, hence why we have to keep it oiled and moisturized. Also, it would probably be best to ask the person before hand if you can touch it. They may have certain chemicals, oils, or  hair products in their hair at the time to shampoo out later as part of their hair regimen. Your hand may come out oily or wet. Don't assume.

Hair Regimen
Castor Oil
Lusti's Organic Olive Oil hair spray
Lusti's Organic Gel

Happy Ash Wednesday-Peace of Christ

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A conversation on hair.....

 I had the most interesting conversation with a fellow co-worker about  hair. He made the assumption that, "All black women wear wigs" along with some interesting things. After laughing  and bantering back and forth, I began to think about, "Why do we, as black women, have such an obsession with our hair?" "Why do we focus on things such as hair growth, what products we prefer to use on a daily basis, if we wear a weave, hair pieces, or a wigs, and so on and so forth?" And most importantly, "Do other cultures worry about their hair as much as we do? Do they spend so much as we do on hair?

The answer to my first question was simple, but I let my mother explain it to me in her awesome motherly way. Basically, its in our system and a part of our culture. She laid back on the couch, took a deep sigh and took me back to thick grease and hot combs used to make our hair straight, how her sister would help her wash her hair, scratch, and grease her scalp until it shined. We discussed and found hieroglyphs etched in stone of the Egyptian Queen Tiye having her braided by a slave as well being decked out in  a thick ceremonial wig. When discussing if the church played a part in how we wore our hair, she went into avid detail as to how the black church cautioned women about cutting their hair because it was their "crown" or "their glory"...which I still hear to this very day.

Go head Queen Tiye

When my co worker made that assumption , I in turn stated "But many white women are jumping on the band wagon wearing weaves and using traditionally culturally specific hair care products." For example, not to long ago I was looking up information on black castor oil and traditional castor oil. You tube surprised me. Instead of someone who looked and sounded like me, I was face to face with a white British female holding up a jar of castor oil. As a future therapist, I had to do a self check because the first thing I thought...before pressing the play button was..."what would she know about castor oil?". Well, I pushed that thought aside and listened to her and actually learned a lot. She explained in detail that she had to have the item shipped because British stores did not sale a lot American hair products (Uhm...government..hope you read this..ECONOMY). I listened to her discuss the pros and cons of the product and if it improved her hair growth. At the end of the vlog, I was left well informed, learned new ideas, and began to look at other vlogs without basing it on what the presenter looked like.

Brittany Spears wore wigs and extensions after shaving her hair.

As to the obsession with hair growth, product use, and why we wear wigs and weaves, I answered this for myself. Society is to blame. When we see celebrities like Beyonce, Brittany Spears, and Viola Davis, we only see them with luxurious straight, long flowing hair. But many people don't know that both these women are natural underneath. Why do they wear wigs to cover up their naturalness? I understand that they have busy schedules and probably are concerned about adding stress to their hair, but you would think with the money, the stylist, and everything else...they wouldn't have such a problem. But it has nothing to do with that, it is just the stigma that straight hair is the best. I read an article about Viola Davis showing her natural hair in a photo shoot compared with one done about her character in the movie "The Help". There were more negative responses about her natural hair and features in the first article but constant praise about her features and acting skills in the second. Hmmm, makes you think right?

Underneath that lace wig is a naturalista. Who knew?

  And when it comes to these products, who sales them? The celebrities! When I watch Beyonce promote a product, I do find myself thinking."Wow, I would love my hair to look that way" knowing full well that 1) is isn't all of her hair and 2) that that one product alone (but an army of professionals) made her hair to look that way. 

Well, I know that was a lot of thinking for a five minute conversation, but I feel that every opportunity is a learning opportunity. I learned that societal constructs have plenty to say about how we view ourselves and that there are probably more women out there feeling the pressures such as myself. With each day, the feeling of wanting to grab the jar of  relaxer has dissipated because I am tuning out everything else and tuning into myself.


Hair Regime

Lusti's Organic Shampoo
Motion's Leave in Conditioner

Monday, February 20, 2012

March blog focus- Women of Inspiration

 I have found that someone can only gain inspiration by looking outside themselves. I have done this plenty of times by scouring websites, hair stores, and things of that nature. For me, who is learning to maintain this look, I have found that getting inspiration from friends and family is awesome as well.

 For the month of March, I will interview several diverse women about their style, self care, spirituality, how has their hair motivated them in live, and other interesting topics. 

Although this is a natural hair care blog and experience, natural hair and the experience to make it "You" is only known to person. Sometimes, by learning what other

Im excited. I need THREE MORE WOMEN1

Peace of Christ

New Look: Site Updated

Well, my blog has a new look. I wanted to make it more appealing, professional, and important to the readers. I am learning so much about html and other tid bits about making a site agreeable to readers. If there are things that you would like me to add or tweaks I should make, please let me know. I could always use positive critiques.

Also, you can follow me on face book. You should be able to see the badge on the right hand side. More updates will follow. Thank you all for your continual support.

Peace of Christ

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The afro wig: A therapeutic measure for those who can't wait or a trap in the making?

The afro wig.....Hmmm. 

I have noticed them, the afro wig, popping up on websites and in stores. Ten years ago, I would not have seen them, but now..THEY ARE EVERY WHERE! I found several articles about stars, like Solange Knowles who is natural, and other people who use them often in their grow out process. Because of this, I started thinking, "Could using an afro wig be a therapeutic and healthy way to deal with the, "hurry up and grow anxiety?". Instead of using outlandish methods to rush growth, causing breakage by overly messing with natural hair, or feeling tempting to relax natural hair when it is in the not quite long and not quite short stage. Can having an afro wig be beneficial?

Well, I felt kind of hesitant. I didn't know whether to say yes or no to this hypothesis. After weeks of searching, skipping through hair care stores, and so on and so forth, I developed a mental list of pros and cons.

So, how about I start with the cons first. Save the best for last and all that. Here is why I am hesitant about an afro wig.

1. I would feel like I am cheating my hair growth experience in some way. I would feel that I am not being...natural.
2. Wigs can wear on your hair line after awhile.
3. Would it make one self conscious when you can wear it one minute and decide not to wear it the next.
4. Will the wig look "natural"

Solange Knowles Afro Wig
Solange Knowles sporting her afro wig

These are the only things I could think of. But when it came to my pros, I found that they out numbered my cons. Such as:

1. Wearing a wig can give you a goal of what you can look forward to in the future.
2. You are not cheating wearing a wig. Many naturalistas wear wigs as protective styles and even get braids (synthetic hair) with their own to allow their hair to grow out.
3. No seeing your hair will take the focus off it and keep hands out of it to reduce breakage.
4. Switching styles is fun and all part of the natural hair experience.
5. If you your hair is properly covered underneath you can reduce hair lost near the nape, hair lines, and temples. Some afro wigs actually are versatile enough where you can blend the front of your hair with the wig. There are also half wigs.
6. Wigs can look natural because they can come in different shades and textures that compliment your skin.

In my quest to understand the popularity of these wigs, I actually went to several stores in my area and searched online and discovered that most of these wigs ranged from $14.99 (synthetic) to 300+(human hair). When searching the image section, I noticed a wide array of costume afro wigs along with beautiful and natural afro lace front wigs. 

It would be nice to know what others think about this.

My Regimen

Lusti's Organics Detangler
Lusti's Organics olive oil sheen
Olive Oil
Vitamins (Biotin and Multi-vitimin)


Friday, February 17, 2012

Update: So, what was it?

On my last post, I told you, my readers, that I would let you know what in the world was going on with my hair. I was oiling my hair as usual when I noticed white oily clumps coming from my hair. Well, it was product build up. I was using the product daily and hadn't had a good clarifying wash in a while. After using the lemon, vinegar, and honey solution along with my normal shampoo and conditioner, it cleared right on up. I had no problems. I went back to using my BB castor oil but alternate between that and olive oil to maintain my moisture.

My hair has been growing like I a weed. Natural hair just has a mind of its own. I love it. Today, I wore my little cap and defined my curls a bit. I have also been wearing larger earrings as well...which is unusual for me. I am trying allow my own defined style to grow and develop.

I must admit that at times I still feel uncomfortable with my look; which explains why I have been natural several times before. This is usually around the time that I revert back to my relaxer. Today, I wanted my Halle Berry short cut and flips, but instead I used that energy to write in my blog. There have been times where I looked at myself and felt, my hair is too rough, that I didn't look feminine, and other things. But, I reminds myself that I am beautiful, that I just don't know how to work this look yet because it is new, that my hair is not the only thing that defines me, and that my goal is to maintain some stability in my life by maintaining my one naturalness. Although it is month 3...YES IT WENT BY FAST...there is so much to learn. If I can wait this out, if I can only get through this part, the wait will be worth it.

Hair Regimen

BB castor oil-Just oiled my scalp and tied it up:-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Build up or flaky scalp?

Is is dandruff or is it product build up?

While moisturizing my scalp, I noticed that I had a little build up today. I have never had build up until I added castor oil to my routine, not the pure but the BB Castor Oil with aloe. I oiled my scalp, combed it through like I have done for the past six days, and noticed today that I loads of oily dandruff and product on my comb.

I, like most,  have dandruff from time to time, but not this heavily since the beginning of my hair growth (December 2010 not November 2010)  and my first regimen change off the Dr. Miracles Nape and Hair Growth pomade/ grease. Once I discontinued use of that, I had a huge increase in growth and little to no dandruff. So, I am thinking this:

  1. The build up or dandruff could mean that its time for my build up remover and clarifying shampoo and I have nothing to worry about.
  2. That the mineral oil in the castor oil might actually be an issue for my scalp. (Mineral oil is a NO NO for most natural hair users)
  3. That my hair may be growing or my scalp getting so hydrated that I have to cut back on using it to ever other day instead of everyday.
  4. Stop using the product and go back to olive oil and get some REAL CASTOR OIL!

My Goal!

My Hair Care Regimen Change Up

Tonight, I am going to leave it alone since I have already oiled it. In the morning I am going to use my special clarifying solution to clean my scalp. This is

4 table spoons of apple cider vinegar
4 table spoons of 100% lemon juice
1 tea spoon of honey.
1/2 cup of water

I warm it in the microwave for 9 seconds and stir it so the honey can mix well with the apple cider vinegar 
and 100% lemon juice. Vinegar and lemon juice are natural acids and can strip oils and build product better than most shampoos. Honey is awesome for it's healing properties. Ancient Egyptians used honey in the embalming process because it was use to fight bacteria and soften skin. 

Once using that, I will use the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo, the Motions leave in conditioner, and the Fantastic Sams hydrating conditioner. 

Lets see if it works. Will update you A.S.A.P

Lost Girl Out..PEACE

Pre-poo...huh? What is that?

Use those finger tips!

I know that many of you have read my blogs and saw the word pre-poo. As one of my dear friends said, "Girl, that just doesn't sound right. Sounds like what you do before you...uhm..doo." Well, as some naturals may or may not know, pre-poo or pre-pooing is the process of preparing your hair before you wash your hair. You can pre-poo your hair at night to prepare it for washing in the morning or you can do it before you wash your hair that day.

Pre-pooing is different for everyone. I have watched v-logs for both natural and relaxed/ chemically treated hair wearers use conditioners, leave in conditioners, oils, henna, black canola oil, shea butter, and more to prep their hair.

Well, today I would like to share my pre-pooing method. I will share the "same day pre-poo" as well as the "night before pre-poo". My method is pretty simple since I am sticking to the "less is more" method and doing everything to keep out of my hair. You can use this, check on you tube for what others do, or you could just do what is best for you. As for me, I did what best worked for my hair.

Night before Pre-Poo

When I do a" night before pre-poo:, that means that I am in for the day. I can go out and run errands, but I tend to use a shower cap to hydrate and don't want to run out with one. I have my limits. But I digress, when I do my night before pre-poo I take my time and I will have all night to let my hair hydrate. I use these items:

Motions Leave in Conditioner
Olive Oil
Fantastic Sams Hydrating conditioner
Rat tail comb
Lusti's Organic Hair Mayonnaise
Plastic Cap
Silk Scarf
Wide tooth comb (In the morning)

First, I wet my hair with water. My hair isn't usually dry, but I always wet it a little to make it easier to comb. My hair is type 4 (K4c) hair. You can actually look up and see what type of hair you have (see below) if you do not know. Anyway, my hair is THICK! That means tighter curl, easier to break if dry. So, once adding the water, I use a teaspoon of olive oil and rub it on my hair using my finger tips. Then I use the rat tail comb (using the tail end) and separate my hair to apply the Motions leave in conditioner, the Fantastic Sams Hydration conditioner, and Lusti's Organic Hair Mayonnaise to my scale. Once it is applied, I will have a whitish green residue from the mixture on my hair. I take the comb end of the rat tail comb and slowly comb it through. It is easy for me to comb now that it is saturated. I apply my plastic cap, then over that my silk scarf..And BAM! I am done. I can go to sleep.
What type are you?

The next day, I get up and hop in the shower. I wash out the mixture and slowly run a wide tooth comb in my hair in case of any tangles. Usually, my hair feels really soft. I then apply the shampoo by lathering it up in my hands first and then apply. I style my hair and go.  I have noticed little to no breakage when doing this.

Same day pre-poo

My same day pre-poo is when I am just tired the night before, didn't wash it, it is starting to smell funny due to product build up, and I have to hurry because I class or work in an hour and a half. I know many of you have been at that spot before. I do this as part of my wash and go method. Here is my steps

Olive Oil
Motion's Leave In Conditioner
Wide Tooth Comb

I do all this while in the shower because I am in a hurry. I wet my hair in warm water (NO HOT..STRIPS YOUR HAIR AND NUTRIENTS ON YOUR SCALP). I apply a teaspoon of olive oil and just apply it to my wet hair using my finger tips. Then I apply the Motion's Leave in Conditioner. While in the shower, I let  it set while I do whatever else I need to do. Once done, I take the wide tooth comb and wash the mixture out. I then do my wash and go (shampoo and conditioner ) along with whatever I need to do to style my hair quickly and then I am out. My hair is still damp, but it doesn't take long to dry since I have a TWA.

If you have questions, feel free to ask...I could learn something new in the process

Peace of Christ

Monday, February 13, 2012

Saying no to twist....for awhile


About a week ago, I was ranting about wanting my hair to grow so that I could twist it and do it up in different styles. Now that I have a nice healthy TWA, I have twisted my hair twice!  But this last time, I think it would probably be for the best if I would wait a very very long time before I  started twisting again.

 The reason why I plan to wait is to decrease breakage. Although twist are considered a protective hair style, at the stage where my hair is in growth, it is damaging and causing breakage. During the twisting process, I had to continually re wet my hair, this apply the wax, separate my hair, and then twist. While doing this, I noticed a lot of breakage. I really hated this because I felt like this was hurting and abusing my hair. So, I am going to leave my hair in a nice kept fro until it is a length where I can safely do two stranded twist. 

Today, I pre-pooed my hair with water and Fantastic Sam's conditioner. I pre-poo my hair because it allows for my hair to get soft and conditioned to get rid of any tangles and things like that before I wash my hair. Once all the twist were removed, I took my finger and slowly detangled, then took a small tooth come to work in the pre-poo. Jumped in a shower, washed it out, and then washed my hair with Paul-Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo. I don't use Paul-Mitchell Shampoo much. I only use it to do a clarifying wash or to remove the oils form scalp. I had used wax and the Paul-Mitchell has a way of getting rid of the waxiness with ease. Afterwards, I conditioned it with Motion's leave in conditioner and a little bit of the Fantastic's Sam's conditioner. 

Last, I BOUGHT SOME CASTOR OIL! I got this idea from my mom. She told me that back in the day (yes, way back in the day) they use to use castor oil for everything. It was the Holy Grail of products to cure colds, burns, dry scalp, the flu, and so on and so forth. Well, I  am using the BB Castor Oil with Aloe. I found it at Kroger for like 2.86. Because it's an oil, there is no PETROLEUM to clog up the pores. It does have mineral oil..not a favorite  with naturals, but it works. I will get the REAL STUFF next time.
BB Castor Oil (It contains Mineral Oil)

While my hair was wet, I took a wide tooth comb, sectioned my hair, and rubbed the castor oil on my scalp. I did this until my hair was just saturated in castor oil. I wrapped my hair in a silk scarf once I was done. In the morning, my hair should be softer, controlled, and back to its normal healthy state. I will let you know:P

So, what I learned from this is...don't mess up what you worked so hard for. Have patience and love for yourself, you will reap the rewards. I saw my classmate who has been growing her hair natural for YEARS and it is just beautiful. She is beautiful. I am beautiful. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Peace of Christ :-)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Regimen Change up....

As you may have noticed, I haven't been adding my hair regimen because I've been sticking to the "leave my hair alone"  agenda by  doing the same things over and over. Sometimes, people tend to do too much to natural hair which is why they are not getting the results they desire. Since cutting out a lot of experimental stuff and just focusing on what works for me, I have found my hair to be doing rather well. Here are the usual things I do:

1 Multi-vitamin
1 Biotin
Always detangle with water and conditioner (Wide tooth comb)
Leave in conditioner daily
Olive oil daily
Do not run fingers through hair
Silk scarf
Use a pick
Shine oil

I have added something new to this regimen...THE SHOWER CAP.

The plastic shower cap is my new friend. I add hair mayonnaise to my hair before I shower, then add the shower cap, and leave it on for about twenty minutes. The shower cap basically allows your hair to get moisturized and hydrated because the plastic allows the heat trapped in the cap from your body to make the scalp "sweat". It also helps the product to really work by opening up the pours. Since using the plastic shower cap, my hair has become softer and looks healthier.

Ill get a steamer in the future, but for now..this does the job. It has been the source of luscious jheri culs for years. Also, if I wet my hair, add my conditioner, put on the cap, and set my hair dryer on low heat, my hair gets conditioned to the core. I have noticed and increase in growth. It doesn't take the place of a steamer, but if you are living on a budget...its a nice substitute.

Just Let Yo Soul Glow Folks :P

Hair Regime Today

Lusti's Organics hair mayonnaise
Plastic cap
Hair dryer..low heat
sit under dryer for 15 minutes
wash out hair mayonnaise

Add Motions leave in conditioner
Olive oil
Shine soft gel


Peace of Christ you all

In remembrance.....

Angel of Music

Today, I would like to give respect and praise to the goddess of song and the diva of style, Whitney, Houston. Whitney Houston will not only be remembered for her voice and style, but also for her love of wigs/ protective styles. She had a litany of curly, straight, blonde, brown, short, and long wigs. Whitney made wearing wigs look natural and effortless as she did with her music.

Natural Whitney

The world is mourning, the angels weep, the spirit whispers...come and sleep. Rest your voice, quiet your song, let the world remember your rights...not all your wrongs. In His arms, now she rest, leaving behind all life'st test. The impact your made will never be undone...Rest in peace Whitney Houston

By The Lost Girl

Peace of Chirst

Saturday, February 11, 2012



As a natural newby, one of my biggest fears is breakage. Our hair, though beautiful, is fragile in it's natural state. In order to maintain growth and beauty, it has to maintained, detangled , moisturized, and handled with care. Since the ground hog decided to bless (sarcasm) us with six more weeks of winter, my hair has been fighting to maintain its softness and moisture. Here are some of the tips I have been using to maintain my growth and reduce breakage.

1 Don't use a towel, use an old cotton t-shirt: 
Towels made to soak up water, so why would you want all the water soaked out of your hair? You want to maintain your moisture right? Well, cotton t-shirts are made of micro fibers that allows your skin to breath. I can absorb most of the water, but not all. Also, it's not rough on your hair like some towels..especially if you are wrapping your hair up just getting out of the shower.

2. Comb your hair only when wet and with a wide tooth comb.
When your hair is dry, it is at it's most vulnerable state. If you comb your hair dry it does not have any elasticity and can damage your hair follicle. That is why many naturals tell you to wet your hair before combing to add moisture. Now, you can uses a small comb when you are doing certain styles, but it is always best to go through your natural hair with a wide tooth comb first. This can take out the manager tangles.

3. Invest in a detangler product.
Now, my TWA is getting thick enough where I have to spray a bit of detangler to sort through it. I went to the dollar tree and bough Lusti's Organic Detangler for a buck. Their products work well on my hair. Anyway, using it helps decrease breakage and the amount of work you put in styling your hair.

4. Protein solutions.
I use the Aphogee protein solution every two months. Although it smells bad, my hair  had less shedding and breakage and grew up and out like  a weed when I was natural two years ago. The protein solution strengthens the hair to allow healthy growth.

5. Oils, Oils, and Oils
There are many natural oils that you can use on your hair to give it moisture and shine. NO GREASE! It clogs the pours. Its best to use items like jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, and things like that. These oils can me found at your local supermarket or even your health store.

Its always good to use a silk scarf when tying your hair up at night. Silk does not cause friction when you are tossing and turning at night. Its always good to even tie your hair up with two scarfs. One to protect the back  and edges and another the top and to secure the first scarf. As you know, those bad boys come off during a rough night. That is why it is best to have two sometimes. Also, a silk pillow case is really good as well if you don't want to tie up your hair.

I hope some of these tips help. If you have more for me, let me know.

Peace of Christ

Short hair from actress Katie Holmes