Thursday, March 15, 2012

10 Natural Hair Care Tips


Since starting my natural hair and journey, I have learned a lot of do's and don'ts. Some of them, many of you may agree on, some I may tweak in the future, and some are no brainers. But here is what I have learned about  caring for my natural hair.

10- Seek professional help before you make the commitment.
Natural hair is A COMMITMENT. Learn all you can from a natural hair care specialist or stylist that has worked with natural hair. Let them assist you with either growing your hair out or a big chop. Whatever you decide to do, start right. The sooner you start taking care of your natural hair growth, the sooner you will have results.

I didn't do this and went to several different Youtube sites for information. Lets just say, I would have had a bigger fro than I do now. Not saying Youtube is bad, just saying that YouTube should be a secondary source. Since going to a specialist, I have had unprecedented growth.Your first source should be a specialist.

9- Don't over manipulate your hair.
During the growth process, there is an urge to twist it, play with it, check for length, and so on and so forth. Natural hair is fragile and can easily break..especially when dry. Try to stay out of your hair as much as possible unless you are detangling it. Less manipulation, the better.

8- Water is your friend
Drink lots of water (8 glasses) and moisturize with water in the morning and before your wrap it up at night. Water both inside and out is a fabulous and healthy thing. Never comb your hair dry, wet it. Natural hair loves water.

7- Check your emotional state before doing your hair
If you are angry....don't do your hair. If you are in a rush.... don't touch your hair. If you are not in the mood...then leave it alone. If you decided to do you hair when you are angry, you tend to take it out on your hair. If you are rushing, you are most likely going to harm it.  Wait until you are calm and have time to do your hair. If you are friendly and nice to eat, it shows.

6- Products
Use products that work well for you. There is a lot of stuff out there  that many people swear by. You have to find what works well with your hair. Don't over experiment. It can hurt your hair in the long run and impeded progress. Give new products a 30 day trial (in case of allergic reaction) to see if there is any progress.

5- Heat
Heat is not a bad thing for natural hair...its just how you use it. Applying a hot towel compress to help your conditioner good. Using a blow dryer and diffuser to just gently dry good. Applying heat daily to natural hair is NOT good. Natural hair is not mean to be straight all the time. Why damage your hair after all that hard work?

If you do want to use heat, talk to a professional who can educate you on the proper way to blow out your hair. Everyone's hair is different and what one person uses for their hair may not work for you. If don't want to go that route, look on Youtube or read articles from professional sites. There is lots of help out there.

4. A watch pot never boils
Don't become overly obsess about growth. If you watch for growth all of the time, you will become disappointed. Hair grows about 1/2 a month for the majority of people on Earth (Unless you got a super wicked growth gene).  But leave it alone.

If you noticed, I no longer put my regimen. Well, its because I only use the Alaffia Shea butter  shampoo, conditioner, and hair lotion. Then  Doo Grow for the scalp. That's it. I don't think you want to hear about that all the time.

3. Eat Healthy and Exercise
Eating healthy is a key priority. You are what you eat. So, if you eat candy bars, pizza, and burgers..your body will reflect it. If you eat cabbage, corn, and bananas....your body will reflect it. Be kinds to yourself and health.

Exercising is good for blood flow and stimulation. Whether it is a 15 minute walk, a run, or riding your bike...get out and get the blood flowing. Your natural hair will love you for it.

2. Join a natural hair community
Find support. It is  tough adjusting to natural hair. It is also a change in how you do your hair. Society doesn't like our natural hair unless its the commercial long flowing curls or the modelesque TWA on thin models. The stigma placed on natural hair makes you want to grab a jar of hair crack and be done with it.

You will here things or tell yourself that, "You look like a boy", "girl put a perm in it", "he doesn't like natural hair", "it's not professional", and all sorts of other things. But wait until the end result. Beautiful, versatile, thick, hair that grows long, and healthy.

I already get compliments about my hair growth.:-)

1. Its a Journey, not a short trip
Natural hair is a wonderful experience should you wish to take it. It will change the way you live, think, perceive yourself, and how others perceive you. It can be a culture shock at first, but it is worth it. Don't expect instant gratification, but growth, a better and healthier you, and a happier you.

So, here are my natural hair care tips. Next month marks 5 months natural. How time flies :-)

The Lost Girl