Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wrapping my hair- Protective style II

Rock'in the Turban 


The heat is on and its time to find different ways to protect "ye ole curls". This week, I decided to practice my gele or head scarf wear. My hair is growing out and there are times where I wish to just keep the moisture in and lessen the possibility of breakage.

For my wrap, I bought a silk head band from Sally's Beauty Supply to protect my edges, my front, and the base of my head. You can get these at most beauty supply stores or Krogers. And then I use a stiff, but silk based material to lessen breakage and to protect my hair. I measured this material to be about 4 feet long 2 ft wide.

 If interested in tying a gele, I wrote a post on it several months back. It will show you how to tie one. Or, if you feel like a challenge, you can just get creative and try different ways of tying it. The style that I am sporting is a basic turban. I feel this look accentuates my face an hair line better. When my hair grows longer, I will try other styles.

So, I hope you enjoy the picture....Happy Wrapping

The Lost Girl