Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shrinkage aint no joke


I am learning a lot about natural hair and shrinkage. There are times when I feel like my hair isn't growing even though I logically  know it is. I find myself looking at the mirror and thinking, "UGH, WHEN WILL YOU GROW!"

Well, my schedule has recently changed and is more hectic these days. I haven't had the time, like many of you, to do my checks or focus on my on my natural hair growth, and so on and so forth. So far its, wake up, take a shower, wet my hair, slap on the the Alaffia lotion, leave in conditioner, and out the door. At night its, finish up whatever I'm doing, wet my hair, take my vitamins, grab the Alaffia, and tie my hair up. That's its. That's all I have time to do because I have just been so busy. There are some days I just don't even pick out my curls and form my fro (Using the less is more mantra). But in my mind I'm's not growing.

So today, I decided to sit down and remove the negativity from my mind. I took the time to moisturize, set, and dry my hair. And then I did a length check. A length check is when you take the time to untangle and stretch your natural hair in order to check how long it has grown. But I digress. I took the time to take pieces from the different quadrants of my hair and check the length. Once I took the time to do this, I was astounded at how much it has grown since growing natural.

Basically, shrinkage ain't no jokes folks. Sometimes, when you feel there is nothing happening..and it will be that way, you just have to slow down and check. Take the time to untangle and check because what you see isn't always "what you have". I am seeing lots of naturals with short tight TWA's stretch their hair and its like long. I would not have ever fathomed that with a tiny afro. Sigh, natural hair just blows my mind.

Well, I better go...

Happy growing...

The Lost Girl